February 1, 2007

Playboy aims to make women blush

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PlaymateoftheYear.jpgThe new blogger to the Styledash team, Brigitte Dale, asks if Playboy should really be "the kind of company that should start selling women's cosmetics?". The answer is, of course, darling, who else. Who better than to give women everywhere those luscious dick-sucking-lips than the true experts? Accordingly, Playboy has launched Playboy Beauty, a line of cosmetics designed to fluff up flirtation. The Long Wear Eyeliner Pens are designed with an all day, "stay the night" formula, as the Shimmer Bricks powder helps give your face the healthy "afterglow". So, if you didn't get any the night before, at least Playboy knows how to fake it 'til you make it. Wonder if they have Melted Mascara and Freshly Fucked Hairspray lines?

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