January 26, 2007

Blogebrities, they're just like us!

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web_13.jpgMoreso, just like celebrities. Forbes published their list of Web Celeb 25 - the top 25 interwebbies that encapsulate the "biggest, brightest and most influential people on the Internet". The list starts out with LonelyGirl15 and trails down through bloggers, bloggers, and more bloggers. Considering LonelyGirl15 was just a one-off viral effort of sorts, you have to wonder if they notched her as #1 to avoid the wrath of the bitchy bloggers and anonymous commenters.

Using their blogs as their acceptance award stage, the blogebrities seem to stay right on cue with Hollywood. While some are thanking the academy and you can already begin to hear the music play before you reach the end of their post, others go the way of Fiona Apple and others, taking the stage time to criticize the world, leaving the audience with that awkward, "should we clap for this...?" moment.


I can't believe that people still read Harry Knowles' site. I lost interest just as I started worrying about Y2K.

I think it's pretty funny that they squeeze an adult site in @ 25, as if to say "and since you sat through this whole slideshow, here's some eye candy."

Thanks for visiting my site, BTW!

Ha! Oh, but Violet Blue is far more than just eye candy...

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